06.04.02 - 6:40 p.m.

seeing you makes me nervous now; just the thought
of it has birthed butterflies somewhere in
my torso (heart or stomach, i cant be sure).

i have demands on your behalf, ones that i keep secret,
not the least important of which being to fall
wildly, incurably in love with someone
that makes you emote, visibly and often - and
i mean tears or giggles or dumbfounded, open-
mouthed astonishment.
and heres another secret: its knowing (combined
with sheepishness over the way we last parted)
that this person is, without a doubt,
not me
that makes the wings beat hardest.


dont hold your breath too long (this tunnel is a texas mile)
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the revolution will be catalogued

this american life

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i used to believe






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