12.11.01 - 4:17 p.m.

mum had a craftfair, for which i made several
cunning handbags and aprons. nobody liked them
but me and one woman who
commissioned me to make her something
extra-large, with ruffly sleeves. you know the kind?
i made exactly eleven dollars: five from my mother
for a shopping bag she didnt need.
pity is just the worst.
all my recipes and cookboks are packed away
seeing as we are incredibly unattractive to
landlords, so nothing for making today. all apologies.
im really in the awfullest mood - happy only that i
am to spend a vegan thanksgiving with people i dont
see nearly enough, including one ms. tara u.

im constantly inclined to suggest some sort of through-the-mail
craft exchange, forgetting completely that those sorts of
things arent really kosher. if anyones interested anyway,
possessing of a post office box or maybe even
good faith in humanity in general
leave me a note or send me an e-mail.
my feelings wont be hurt if nobody wants to
for fear of anthrax or stalking.


craftfairs and boredom in general
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the revolution will be catalogued

this american life

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i used to believe






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